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2 Corinthians 10:3–5
The enemy attacks us with thoughts, speculations and lofty things.
Thoughts are often random ideas that come out of no where. Negative impressions
Speculations are often characterized by what-if questions, which if left unchecked, can plague our souls. “What if I have cancer?”
◦ None of these what-ifs suggest good things to us.
◦ Speculations prey upon our fears, seeking open doors in our lives through which they can lead us into bondage.
Lofty things are philosophies that make us feel the devil is big and powerful and that God is small and powerless in our lives.
These thoughts DO NOT originate in our minds—they are sponsored advertisements from the dark side.
One of the most important keys to winning these battles is simply to recognize that these thoughts ARE NOT OUR OWN and to reject all ownership of them.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.
- 2 Corinthians 10:4
First, Paul tells us that we have "weapons." These spiritual armaments have been provided by God and are at our disposal.
Paul uses the word "warfare." The word "warfare" is taken from the word stratos.
The word stratos is where we derive the word strategy. This informs us that spiritual warfare does not occur ACCIDENTALLY but is something that is STRATEGICALLY planned.
This verse also tells us that if we will listen to the Holy Spirit, He will give us a STRATEGY that is SUPERIOR to any schemes of the devil. The devil is not the only one with a strategy.
In Greek, this word is sarkos, which describes anything that is of the flesh, fleshly made, or fleshly conjured up or anything that is natural or of an unspiritual nature.Paul uses this word when he writes, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal."
In effect, Paul is saying, "Don't look to your flesh for the weapons or strategies I'm describing to you because they do not arise out of natural talent, mental exercises, or human efforts. These are spiritual weapons and spiritual strategies, and they come from the spiritual realm."
When you put all these Greek words together,
Second Corinthians 10:4 carries this idea:
"Our God-given weapons are to be used in connection with a divine strategy. But don't look to the flesh to find that strategy, for the battle plan you need is not going to arise out of your own natural talent, mental exercises, or human effort."
Lord, I know that today I'm going to need a supernatural strategy to do what I need to do. My own natural mind is working all the time to come up with solutions. I'm doing the best I can do, but now I need extra help. I need a divine strategy - a divine idea so powerful and effective that no force will be able to resist it! I know that these kinds of strategies are imparted by the Holy Spirit, so right now I open my heart wide to Him. Holy Spirit, I ask You to drop a supernatural idea into my spirit and soul. Please help me to properly discern it, understand it, and then follow through with obedience.
I pray this in Jesus' name!
I declare by faith that the Holy Spirit gives me the strategies and ideas I need. I am willing and ready to do whatever He tells me to do. The Spirit of God was sent into this world to be my Helper and my Guide, and I know I can fully rely on Him. I must have His direction, or I won't know what to do. So today He will speak to my heart; I will perceive what He tells me to do; and then I will obediently carry out His good plan for me!